Artificial Intelligence -Things you need to know

Artificial Intelligence, is a bit overwhelming term these days. In this post you will read about what really does Artificial Intelligence mean and what could it do to our daily routines. For those people who think that AI a.k.a Artificial Intelligence is only about Robotics or JARVIS(Just A Rather Very Intelligence System), well your imagination and knowledge is very limited.

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According to Wikipedia, “Artificial intelligence is intelligence displayed by machines, in contrast with the natural intelligence displayed by humans and other animals.” Did you note that it said in contrast with the natural intelligence displayed by humans and other animals. well, that is it. First off Intelligence is something that could be described as “one’s capacity for logic, understanding, self-awareness, learning, emotional knowledge, planning, creativity, and problem solving“. So, how could this intelligence be created Artificially to another species(ROBOTS), when it is exclusively available only to humans. There are actually a lot of categories that we could divide and classify them, but below are the four basic categories that are being focused in the present and the near future.

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1.Neural Networks :

Neural Networks are described as a structure of a human brain that are studied and analyzed by top scientists in order to create a replica  for the computer that could be used to do a variety of jobs that a human could do, or even more than what a human could do. This is a basic image of a human brain and the colorful dots represented in it are called as the Neurons. This brain is created by God or for some Atheists, created from a biological (1)But, this brain is an interesting kind that has been created by humans in order to make Machines think like a human. This brain is also composed of neurons except that they are called as Nodes here. The circles represent the nodes and the lines connecting the nodes are represented as (5)

I will be writing a further  elaborated blog on Neural Network in the near future.

2. Machine Learning :

Machine Learning is defined as the ability that the machines posses in order to learn from the concepts that we teach them. Yes, we basically are the tutors here for the machines and by machine i mean the program. In machine Learning we basically teach and train a model (program) to learn on a particular topic in such a way that when we ask any questions to it , we can expect a kind answer as a result. So, machine learning is the basics that any AI person should be introduced to when they want to create a future model (like the robot).

Applications of machine Learning :

  •  Predicting a house prize
  • Creating a recommended list that you see on Amazon,Netflix
  • Self-Driving Car
  • Predicting various diseases
  • Analyzing patterns of a specific structure.

the list goes on….download (6)

I will be writing a further elaborated blog on Machine Learning and its algorithms in the near future.

3. Data Science :                    

Meet the people who can coax treasure out of messy, unstructured data

Data Science is a coined term used by many people in the recent days. If you could split the term Data Science (Data + Science),  you could understand that you are basically implementing some scientific tools and packages that are available in the world on your data, to basically derive some insights that could be used in predicting literally anything that may range from analyzing a company’s performance in the past couple of months to analyze the weather report on a daily basis. There are many tools that could be used to analyze the data like Tableau and servers that could be used to store real time data like SQL.

Harvard University has announced that “Data Scientist is the Sexiest Job in the 21st century“, and plus it could also pay a lot. But with a lot of money comes a lot of problem where a data scientist has to face a large amount of unstructured data and have to come up with an insight that could please their manager or their clients

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If , you think that data is only about handling and organizing data then it is not completely correct.  I will be writing a further blog about the various tools that you could use to analyze your data (both unstructured and structured) and also about various tools like SQL, SSDT-BI,Tableau.images

4. Internet Of Things (IOT) : 

The Internet of things (IoT) is the network of physical devices, vehicles, home appliances, and other items that are           connected with electronics, software, sensors, actuators, and network connectivity which enable these objects to connect and exchange data. Each thing is uniquely identifiable through its embedded computing system but is able to inter-operate within the existing Internet infrastructure. Experts estimate that the IoT will consist of about 30 billion objects by 2020.It is also estimated that the global market value of IoT will reach $7.1 trillion by 2020.

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There are many applications that an IOT system could do :

  • Smart Home
  • Agriculture
  • Environment Monitoring
  • Health Care
  • Transportation

the list goes on , I  will be writing a further elaborated blog on IOT’s and its application in another blog.

So, we’ve reached the end of the blog and your take away from this blog is that AI basically works on prediction and probabilities. We could never estimate that AI could be 100% right all the time and vice versa.

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